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Welcome Back In French

Welcome Back: The French Way

The Basics

The most common way to say "welcome back" in French is "Bienvenue." This is a formal phrase that is appropriate for use in most situations. For example, you could say "Bienvenue" to a friend who is returning from a trip or to a colleague who is returning to work after a vacation.

Advanced Options

If you want to be more specific, you can use the following phrases:

  • Bon retour: This phrase is used to welcome someone back after a long absence.
  • Sois le bienvenu/la bienvenue: This phrase is used to welcome someone to your home or to a particular place.
  • Reviens nous voir bientôt: This phrase is used to invite someone to come back and visit you again.


Here are some examples of how to use these phrases in a sentence:

  • Bienvenue à Paris!
  • Bon retour, mon ami!
  • Sois le bienvenu dans ma maison.
  • Reviens nous voir bientôt!
